


npm install jquery.gridstrap                 


<link href="dist/jquery.gridstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.js"></script>
<script src="dist/jquery.gridstrap.min.js"></script>   
<div id="grid" class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2 col-md-1"></div>
  <div class="col-xs-4 col-sm-2 col-md-1"></div>


    /* default options */


$.Gridstrap.defaultOptions = {
  gridCellSelector: '>*', // jQuery selector for grid's cells relative to parent element.
  hiddenCellClass: 'gridstrap-cell-hidden', // class applied to 'hidden' cells.
  visibleCellClass: 'gridstrap-cell-visible', // class applied to 'visible' cells.
  nonContiguousPlaceholderCellClass: 'gridstack-noncontiguous',  // class applied to non-contiguous placeholder cells.
  dragCellClass: 'gridstrap-cell-drag', // class applied to dragging cell.
  resizeCellClass: 'gridstrap-cell-resize', // class applied to resizing cell.
  mouseMoveSelector: 'body', // jQuery selector to bind mousemouse and mouseup events.
  visibleCellContainerParentSelector: null, // jQuery selector to append 'visible' cell container to. Null will use the element the plugin is initialised on.
  visibleCellContainerClass: 'gridstrap-container', // class applied to the cell container element.
  getHtmlOfSourceCell: function ($cell) { // function to return the html of a 'source' cell.
    return $cell[0].outerHTML;
  dragCellHandleSelector: '*', // jQuery selector relative to and including cell for drag handling.
  draggable: true, // toggle mouse dragging.
  rearrangeOnDrag: true, // toggle the triggering of rearranging cells before mouseup.
  resizeHandleSelector: null, // jQuery selector relative to cell for resize handling. Null disables.
  resizeOnDrag: true, // toggle mouse resizing. 
  swapMode: false, // toggle swap or insert mode when rearranging cells.
  nonContiguousCellHtml: null, // html to use for non-contiguous placeholder cells.
  autoPadNonContiguousCells: true, // toggle adding non-contiguous cells automatically on drag or as otherwise needed.
  updateCoordinatesOnWindowResize: true, // enable window resize event handler.
  debug: false, // toggle console output.
  dragMouseoverThrottle: 150, // throttle cell mouseover events for rearranging.
  windowResizeDebounce: 50,  // debounce redraw on window resize.
  mousemoveDebounce: 0 // debounce mousemove for dragging cells.
