这是一组效果非常炫酷的jQuery 3D网格照片墙动画特效。这组3D网格照片墙共4种不同的效果,它们都是使用jQuery .delay(),jQuery easing插件和CSS3动画过渡来在网格中制作缩略图的动画特效。

该3D网格照片墙动画特效依赖于jQuery easing插件,在点击“animate”按钮之后,缩略图会随机消失,并带有波动效果。然后会以3D旋转的方式快速恢复到原来的位置上,效果非常炫酷。




<div class="grid"></div>
<span class="animate">Animate</span>         

在网格容器上设置了固定的宽度和高度,为了制作3D效果,还设置了perspective: 500px;。每一张图片也设置了固定的宽度和高度,并且均为左浮动。

* {margin: 0; padding: 0;}
body {text-align: center; /*overflow: hidden;*/}

.grid {
  width: 600px; height: 300px; margin: 100px auto 50px auto;
  perspective: 500px; /*For 3d*/
.grid img {width: 60px; height: 60px; display: block; float: left;}

.animate {
  font: 12px Montserrat; text-transform: uppercase;
  background: rgb(0, 100, 0); color: white;
  padding: 10px 20px; border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;
.animate:hover {background: rgb(0, 75, 0);}           


var images = "", count = 50;
for(var i = 1; i <= count; i++)
  images += '<img class="grid-image" src="img/'+i+'.jpg" />';

var d = 0; //延迟
var ry, tz, s; //转换参数

//animation time
$(".animate").on("click", function(){
  //fading out the thumbnails with style
    d = Math.random()*1000; //1ms to 1000ms delay
    $(this).delay(d).animate({opacity: 0}, {
      step: function(n){
        s = 1-n; //scale - will animate from 0 to 1
        $(this).css("transform", "scale("+s+")");
      duration: 1000, 
    //after *promising* and *doing* the fadeout animation we will bring the images back
//bringing back the images with style
function storm()
    d = Math.random()*1000;
    $(this).delay(d).animate({opacity: 1}, {
      step: function(n){
        //rotating the images on the Y axis from 360deg to 0deg
        ry = (1-n)*360;
        //translating the images from 1000px to 0px
        tz = (1-n)*1000;
        //applying the transformation
        $(this).css("transform", "rotateY("+ry+"deg) translateZ("+tz+"px)");
      duration: 3000, 
      easing: 'easeOutQuint', 